Download BlueFTP Bluetooth File Transfer v 1.70 for Mobiles and v1.2.1.1 for PC

Download BlueFTP Bluetooth File Transfer v 1.70 for Mobiles and v1.2.1.1 for PC: "


BlueFTP or Bluetooth File Transfer is a great and completely free application to manage files over Bluetooth. This software is work for any Java supported mobile and also available for PC. BlueFTP enable you can use your cell phone to browse, explore and manage files of any Bluetooth ready device. Download, upload, edit, create, delete, move, rename files and folders on your phone, PDA, car kit, notebook, PC, photo viewer, music player and lot more. Latest version for BlueFTP Bluetooth File Transfer v 1.70 for Mobiles and v1.2.1.1 for PC now available for download here.


Fileminx is an Online Document, Music, Image and Video Converter

Fileminx is an Online Document, Music, Image and Video Converter: "

There are many online file converters like DocsPal, Convert Files etc. Fileminx is another free online service which can easily convert files to documents, music, images and videos formats. It has pretty good conversion options and these are based on the input file formats. It supports files upto 50MB in size and is fast and easy to convert as well.

Convert to Format

Formats Supported;


  • DOC, DOCX, LWP, MediaWiki, ODT, PDF, RTF, TXT, Word 6, Word 97-03, WPS




  • AAC, AIF, AIFF, AU, FLAC, iPhone, iPod, MP2, MP3, OGG, RA, SND, VOC, WAV, WMA


  • 3G2, 3GP, ASF, AVI, DIVX, DVD, Flash, GIF, iPod, MOV, MP4, MPEG, MPG, PSP, RM, WMV, XVID

Fileminx is a nice service to try for online file conversions.

Related posts:

  1. Free Online File Converter and Viewer- DocsPal

  2. OCRconvert Converts Image to Text Online

  3. Convert Scanned Document to Text with OCROnline

  4. Free Online File Convert does almost all Conversions


5 Free Text to Speech Online Converters

5 Free Text to Speech Online Converters: "

There are thousands of useful eBooks available on the Internet and it would be nice to have a text to speech converter to read these documents for you as manually reading through eBooks might take lot of time. There are many online free web services which allows you to easily convert text to speech and download them as MP3 format. Here is the list of top 5 text to speech online converters.

1. iSpeech: iSpeech is a nice service which allows you to convert any text to audio. You can convert your blog posts to audio files in MP3 format with iSpeech, and the audio files can be downloaded, embedded or shared easily.


2. YakiToMe: With YakitoMe you can listen to work documents, homework, PowerPoint presentations, emails, RSS feeds, blogs, books.


3. Zamzar: Zamzar is a popular service online for almost all types of conversion and it also supports converting documents to MP3 format. You can upload your input file in TXT, DOC, DOCX, EPS, PDF, RTF, WPD, WPS formats and covert it into an mp3 audio file.


4. VozMe: This is another free service where you can convert your text to MP3 files. Besides English, vozMe also supports Spanish, Italian, Hindi, Portuguese and Catalan.


5. ABCtoMP3: With this free service you can convert Word documents, Adobe PDF, HTML Files, Text Content, Cut & Paste Text, Website Address or even RSS Feed into MP3 files. ABC 2 MP3 has the wide variety of readers that can read English documents.


Do share your experience using them, if you have tried another good service which is not listed here, please do drop a note in the comments.

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