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  1. Join and get a Free Lifetime Membership today. Surf your TrafficSwarm Page and view only the sites that interest you.Start increasing blog traffic today. It just couldn’t be any easier!
  2. Submit your blog to as many blog and rss directories as you can. Here is a good place to start
  3. Signup at and add your blog then ping it when you update.
  4. Get a free account at and add your blog then join the communities and make friends.There is even a cool widget you can add to your blog like what you see on the right here.This is a great way to increase blog traffic.
  5. Signup at and make friends in your niche. You can then stumble your post and get your friends to also.Its a good way for increasing blog traffic.
  6. Go to and fill in the exact url to your blog post then title,general summary text then your tags. Now submit to as many social sites as you can. If this is your first time to use these sites then you will need to signup.
  7. Leave comments on blogs in your related niche. This is a great way to increase links back to your site and get free blog traffic. Here is a great free tool to monitor popular blogs in your niche so you can be notified and make one of the first good quality comments. Check it out at
  8. Make sure and add your blog url to your forum signature on any forums you are a member. This can be a powerful way to attract visitors especially if you have quality forum posts.
  9. Find one of the top bloggers in your niche then write a good review post of them. Let them know and they will probably link back to you.
  10. Join and make a lens then add a link to your blog.



Ruchit Shah Headline Animator
