HTML 5: "
Post image for HTML 5
You’ve heard of HTML 5 by now. Probably the most common new features include the new elements, specifically <video>, <audio>, and <canvas>. Although those are amazing improvements, there are some lesser known features that are worth taking another glance at.

First, be sure to start with the HTML 5 Doctype whenever using these following features.

<!DOCTYPE html>

New Form Types and Attributes

Placeholder – this attribute will display default text inside the input field when not focused. When a user gives the input field focus the text will disappear.

HTML5 Placeholder


<input placeholder="First Name" name="firstname" type="text" />

<input type="submit" value="Submit" />


Autofocus – Gives the input field focus immediately


<input name="firstname" type="text" autofocus />

<input type="submit" value="Submit" />


New types: number, email, url, and search

HTML5 Search Field

While there are a few other types added such as date or number supported by Opera, we’ll only take a look at these four.


<input type="number" name="num" />

<input name="email" type="email" />

<input name="url" type="url" />

<input name="q" type="search" />

<input type="submit" value="Submit" />


One of the coolest features about these new types is that the iPhone will update its keyboard based on the input type.

HTML5 iPhone Number

Number Type displays numeric keyboard

HTML5 iPhone Email

Email type displays email keyboard

HTML5 iPhone URL

URL type displays URL keyboard

HTML5 iPhone Search

Search type displays search keyboard

Like all these new features there are fallback options. For the new types, if a browser doesn’t recognize the type it will behave as the “text” type. Additionally, the placeholder and autofocus attributes can be handled through JavaScript for browsers that do not support this feature.

ContentEditable – Allows the text in the element to be editable, similar to a rich text editor

<p contenteditable="true">This is editable text</p>

Custom Attributes (data-*) – allows for adding valid data attributes that will benefit the semantics of the markup

<a data-city="Santa Monica" data-state="CA" href="">BLITZ</a>

Offline Application Caching using Manifest

HTML 5 allows us to cache specific files or assets for offline browsing.

The mime type of the manifest needs to be text/cache-manifest.

First, we must set manifest attribute to our manifest file.

<html manifest="manifest.blitz">

Contents of manifest.blitz:

# This is a comment



# these resources are to be cached for offline use






# these require the user to be online


# by using a path, this states all requests to

# resources under the /services directory must

# be fetched from the server



# when a resource fails to load from /imgs path,

# backup.html is loaded as a "fallback"

imgs/ backup.html

This tutorial primarily focused on markup features, but HTML 5 has much more to offer.

Further Reading

W3Schools HTML 5 Tag Reference

HTML 5 Editor’s Draft


Ruchit Shah Headline Animator
